In September 2019, the government formed the Towns Fund; a £3.6 billion programme to regenerate towns across the country. Telford was invited as one of the 101 towns to bid for a share of the funding in accordance with the objectives of the Fund. View more information in the Towns Fund prospectus (opens new window).
All towns were required to establish a Town Deal Board which includes representatives from the public, private and community and voluntary sectors to lead the development of a Town Investment Plan. Download the full Town Investment Plan (PDF, 21MB) - please note, this document was the original bid submission for a funding ask of £25m.
In June 2021, £22.3m was offered from the Towns Fund to deliver the Town Investment Plan. As the funding award was less than our bid, the Town Deal Board prioritised a reduced number of projects to be taken forward.
Detailed project business cases were developed as part of the Phase 2 Towns Fund Process and these were approved by Government in August 2022. The Telford Towns Fund Programme now consists of three projects: